Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Greg Bayhurst Memoirs


Jason Halladay said...

Adorned with the fruits of years of body modifications from stretch piercings, large, colorful tattoos and subdermal implants, many people were quick to conclude that “something had to be wrong with that guy.” But for those of us that were friends with Greg, we knew nothing could be further from the truth. He was one of the most caring, giving and talented friends I’ve ever had.

I met Greg in Los Alamos when I was a young, impressionable kid learning to skateboard and snowboard. My brother, Dylan, and I spent a great deal of time on the street or snow learning the disciplines from Greg. And whether I ever told him or not, he was an idol to us. He was an adult living his life exactly as he wanted to and going headstrong into every sport or interest he got involved with.

Greg taught us exactly what the cliché “Don’t judge a book by its cover” meant and for that I’m eternally grateful. I was able to build self confidence from taking a cue from Greg and how he lived his life. He also played a huge part in how my brother and I lived our lives by setting a great example of clean living and showing us that we one could have a solid career yet still have a great time doing whatever we wanted to do in life.

A few years ago Greg retired at what most would say was a very young age and moved to Hawaii. This move, no doubt, surprised many but for years he had talked about his desire to retire to Hawaii and learn to surf well. His “early” retirement and move to Hawaii exemplified Greg’s life. We last saw Greg in January 2007 when we went to visit him for nearly a week. He was so very happy and proud to show us his “new life” as he called it. I had never seen him more satisfied. He was living his dream through and through. I wish we could all live our dreams and be so lucky to leave this world doing exactly what we love to do, where we love to do it.

Jason Halladay said...

I've posted an online photo album of a few photos I've taken of Greg over the years. If you have any photos you'd like to add to this album, please e-mail them to me.

Jason Halladay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason Halladay said...

Gregory Kenneth Bayhurst

Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:22 AM HST

58, of Pahoa died Sept. 13 at the Hilo Medical Center. Born in Los Alamos, N.M., he was a retired scientist for the Los Alamos Lab. Friends may call Saturday for a memorial gathering. Please call Gregory's sister at (513) 465-3016 for further information. Casual attire and no flowers. Survived by his brothers, Fred Bayhurst and Scott Bayhurst, both of Albuquerque, N.M.; sister, Barbara Krack of Springboro, Ohio; stepmother, Sally Rhodes of Parker, Colo.; and two nieces. Arrangements by Dodo Mortuary.

Source: Hawaii Tribune-Herald

Anonymous said...

My Remembrance of Greg

Greg and I used to talk every few weeks about the weather in Hawaii and how I was working and he was not. We almost always talked about community happenings and invariably ended the call with: "it was time to go surfing, or snorkeling, or walk the dogs.... " Greg's jungle home was built up over a carport/office and gave you the feeling of living in the trees. A few days without mowing would leave the yard overgrown and reverting to the jungle. When my wife, Sylvia, and I visited back in February, we learned first hand how the jungle grew. It rained five inches in twenty-four hours and apparently this was not uncommon. It surprised me that a kid from New Mexico could stand all of that rain. Greg had fully adapted to his life in Hawaii and was slowing becoming a Hawaiian.

The photograph below was taken at the Volcano National Park not far from Greg's house. We were lucky to see lava following directly into the ocean and sat for hours watching. Greg always had an interest in Geology and Vulcanology and had worked in this park taking samples for a LANL project. I think that experience lead Greg to return many times and ultimately to his settling on the big island. The work that he did with the sampling teams was the most rewarding of his career at LANL and he formed many strong relationships during that time.

Greg and I have a common interest in motorcycles and met back in 1976 when I purchased a new CZ 250 from the Motocross and Enduro Shop in Albuquerque. Greg was a part owner in the shop and participated in all forms of off-road riding and racing. Greg was never what I would call a thrill seeker but no matter the sport, he would find a place to compete and go there to test his skills. If you didn't know this side of Greg you might be surprised to know that he competed in motocross, flat track, road race, bicycle motocross, down hill mountain bikes, street luge, skiing. snowboarding, wind surfing and I know there are more. Greg's garage was a testament to the sports that he loved.

Whomever set foot in Greg's house immediately knew two things. First, he was a great decorator and always had a nice home full of antiques, rocks and mementos of trips. Second, he had a house full of dogs. The dogs were always very happy to see visitors and were plied with doggie treats for better behavior. Greg loved his dogs and they loved him. I know that Greg's surviving dogs, Misty and Logan, miss him. I miss Greg too but I take some comfort in the fact the he lived his life. Greg was always off on a new adventure, seeking knowledge and new experiences. He has embarked on the final journey and I wish him Godspeed.

Anonymous said...

Greg has been and always will be one of my idols. At one time in his life or another, he has had all of the "toys" that I want (bikes, motorcycles, skateboards, snowboards, etc.). More importantly, he has done all of the things that I want to do.

Even though my time with Greg was limited, he taught me some very important lessons. Of course, he taught me not to judge a book by its cover, but he also taught me that it’s OK to be yourself and you can do whatever you want to do if you put your mind/time/energy into it.

I will always have fond memories of Greg and hope my life is even half as full as his was.

Anonymous said...

I had the best big brother in the world. He was always there to watch out for me. I can remember when some neighborhood bullies were giving me a hard time and Greg came up and told them to leave me alone or he was going to hurt them! Yes, Greg the gentle spirit, threaten violence to protect me.
Of course, there were other times when I didn't think he was such a great big brother. Like the time when I was 3 or 4 and he told me to jump up and down on this kids couch we had. Wanting to please big brother, I start jumping up and down with glee. Then low and behold, my big brother pulled the couch out from under me and I broke my nose!
The biggest gift Greg gave me was showing me how to love life. His gentle spirit, silly grin and funny giggle will always be with me. I believe too, that when I start "losing it" (some people refer to me as being anal) he will tap me on my shoulder and say "Don't sweat the small stuff sis.
Greg loved his dogs and I always enjoyed his dog stories. They had such a bond with him and are great dogs. We have been unsuccessful in finding homes for them in Hilo, so I am beginning to make arrangements for sending them to the mainland. I don't have homes for them here either, but I am hoping someone will take them in. I would like to keep them together, but realize this may be impossible. So if anybody can take them in or can find someone to take them in, please let me know.
I want to thank you all for sharing yur memories about Greg. Although they have produced some tears, it is so wonderful to know that Greg was loved by so many.
May your spirit always be in beauty bro. I love you.

Unknown said...

As my brother Jason stated, Greg was a huge influence on me as a young skateboarder and snowboarder. What teachings Greg has given to those that knew him was simply leading by example. You work hard, you play hard, and eventually if you work hard enough, you get all the time in the world to play.
As we visted Greg at his home in Hawaii this past Jan, one thing really stuck in my mind. As many have stated before Greg was the absolute of "Never judge a book by its cover", and as we sat one lovely morning enjoying Greg's homemade smoothies, he laid out Star Fruit for us> Greg explained to us although it looks strange on the outside, the inside is sweet and one of the most enjoyable fruit there is. This brings a smile to my face now.
Love you Greg -


Anonymous said...

This is a note that I got from Diane Lamkin. Greg sent this email in August and it reflects Greg's home life. We need to find a home for these dogs!

Di: Sometime I think when it comes to mind games I would lose to Logan. It has been hot and humid lately so at night I have a fan going. Two nights ago I climbed into bed on the side nearest the cooling breeze. After about10 minutes Logan jumped off the bed, went over and put his head under my arm and started lifting my hand. This is one of his signals that he needs to go out. So of course I head for the door and as soon I am a few feet from the bed he jumps up and snags the spot under the fan. When he does this he goes limp like a sack of potatoes and I can hardly move him over. I usually give up and let him get away with it (my mistake). Last night he tries the same
trick and I tell him "No! I know that trick". After another 15 minutes he goes to the front door and this time barks and paws the door. Well, I am thinking maybe he does need to go out. I get up, go to the door and open
it. Yes, you guessed it - he runs back and snags the spot again! I then go back to bed and think to myself "well, two can play this game". So I got up and went to the kitchen and rattled the treat jar. Yes! Here he comes and I can get him back. I put down the treats and try to make a break for it. Logan realizes it is a ploy and he tries to beat me back. However, I am able to body check him into the door and jump into the spot. I tell him "two can play that game". He then jumps up on the bed and plops down with disgust. Poor Misty in all this is running around trying to figure out what is going on, she just stands in the kitchen like she is thinking "but I thought we was gettin treats" Poor girl. In all the dog movies I always thought these moments were staged, but now I am starting to wonder.

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